世纪课堂·研学旅行 | 哈工大机器人课堂是什么样子?
Task-based Learning
On the 24th of March, Senior high students of the Department of Overseas Education in the 21st Century School went on a field trip to Chengdu base of the Robot Group Affiliated with Harbin Institute of Technology. Just have a panoramic view of this thought-provoking journey.
展厅参观 走进机器人
Visiting the Exhibition-Close Observation of Robots
机器人会不会像哆啦 A 梦一样拥有百宝箱?
走进机器人,探索其中的奥秘,了解各行各业的机器人原理及其应用。学生在会议室聆听机器人介绍和发展简史,在本次冬奥会中有很多哈工大设计的机器人,如送餐、调酒等。 Students were allowed to approach the robots for the exploration of mysteries behind, and learned the theories and mechanism of robots used for various purposes. △参观专利墙 机器人现已广泛应用于工业、农业、航空、航天等领域,“上九天揽月,下五洋捉鳖”,帮助人们实现了遥不可及的梦!展厅的部分机器人代表,带领学生们感受国家科技的发展。 Currently, robots have been applied intovarious fields including industry, agriculture and aviation as well as aerospace engineering, which fulfills the originally unrealistic expectation--‘Make the Impossible Possible’. Under the robotic model in the exhibition hall,students are able to have a hand-on experience of technological progress in our country. 研学老师带领学生前往各个展区,带领学生体验操控机器人进行使用。机器人的应用在服务行业、制造行业和物流行业等作用。 Led by the head teacher, students visited various exhibition areas and experienced robotic manipulation, learning about robots’ application in catering, manufacturing and logistics industry. 学生们学习参观通过面部识别进行年龄和颜值等基础信息的判断。 Students observed and learned how facial recognition could be used to identify basic messages such as age and attractiveness. △3D打印冰墩墩 在参观讲解过程中,还融入了多种机器人互动体验,帮助学生了解相关结构和原理知识。在“玩中学,学中玩”,调动学生们的参与性,激发其对科技的兴趣。 The incorporation of human-robot interaction into the explanation contributes to students’ understanding of robot structure and theories. Driven by the principle——‘learning and play must go hand-in-hand’, students were highly motivated and involved. 机器人广泛应用于各行各业,而且给人们的生产和生活带来了极大的便利,带动了科学的进步,促进了社会的发展。 The multi-purpose application of robots grossly facilitates people’s daily life, scientific advancement and social development. 通过制作循迹无人驾驶小车,让学生们不仅了解到了技术应用理论知识,还掌握更多的基础实践技能,这是未来社会对青少年一代提出的基本要求。 通过这次研学,给对编程和人工智能学科感兴趣的学子一次接近“梦想”的机会,看到了编程和研究性学习可以通过科技的力量成为给社会带来便利的产品。学生们更加坚定了自己的理想信念,为实现科技兴国贡献自己的力量。